Looking back we ask ourselves… “Who would have thought that the past 4 months, each week of which felt never ending, could actually go by so quickly?” Throughout the pandemic, just like every business Balcas has faced uncertainty, but it was as a team, seeking to strike a balance between keeping our members safe whilst […]
August Employee of the Month – Special Edition
Looking back we ask ourselves… “Who would have thought that the past 4 months, each week of which felt never ending, could actually go by so quickly?” Throughout the pandemic, just like every business Balcas has faced uncertainty, but it was as a team, seeking to strike a balance between keeping our members safe whilst […]
Opening Hours
Clean Air Day
18th June normally marks #CleanAirDay, this year it has moved to October but we decided to celebrate it anyway! After all, our forests make up the lungs of the planet. Our timber is from sustainably-managed forests and so is naturally renewable. Planting more trees than are harvested means that we’re fighting climate change right now. To […]
Holiday Arrangements
The Covid Hero That Is The Humble Pallet
The hard work and dedication of the Pallet Mill Team in Balcas, has in just one week seen output of enough components to construct nearly 30,000 pallets. Or to picture it another way, that’s 22 miles of pallets, laid out end to end would stretch from our plant in Killadeas, all the way to Omagh! […]
Fire at Balcas Energy Invergordon plant
A fire incident occurred at Balcas Energy’s Invergordon plant at approximately 21.45 on 11 April, 2020. All staff are safe and there are no injuries. Automated fire suppression and prompt action by Balcas Energy staff quickly brought the blaze in a cooling hopper under control. Balcas Energy is enormously grateful to Invergordon Fire Service who […]
Easter 2020 Closing
Opening Hours
The Balcas office in Enniskillen is closed for holiday on Monday 6th April and will reopen as usual on Tuesday. Our Energy colleagues will still be taking telephone and online orders at 02866 411001 and www.balcasenergy.com
COVID-19 Coronavirus
Our first and foremost concern at this current time is the safety and well-being of our staff. We know this is a very worrying time for all employees and their wider families. This is an unprecedented time. We have been closely following government advice on social distancing, self-isolation in the event of any suspected symptoms, […]
Balcas – Covid 19
Balcas continue to take the potential risk of Coronavirus, COVID-19, seriously and is continually monitoring the situation and reviewing the operational impact of any developments and potential changes. This includes assessing the effect the virus could have on any staff, operations and/or customers that rely on us. At present, we are fully operational and conducting […]