August Employee of the Month – Special Edition
Looking back we ask ourselves… “Who would have thought that the past 4 months, each week of which felt never ending, could actually go by so quickly?”
Throughout the pandemic, just like every business Balcas has faced uncertainty, but it was as a team, seeking to strike a balance between keeping our members safe whilst protecting their future which caused most anxiety.
Everyone should be proud of how they have individually adapted to the changes that were asked of them. Understanding the constantly evolving situation helps to keep everyone safe. In turn this keeps our contribution to the local economy and our local communities protected. Overall our teams have demonstrated loyalty towards their fellow workers and have committed to keeping each other safe and by extension, protected each other’s immediate families.
We know the challenge is far from over. Complacency is a lingering threat, so we continue to encourage and remind everyone of the risk to our loved ones. Our annual get together has of course been curtailed for now but we wanted to raise a virtual glass to all the team until such times as we can celebrate getting through this together, properly.
In the meantime, we can toast our August Employee of the Month…
As you might expect we have been overwhelmed with nominations for Employee of the Month during these strange times; it seems the pandemic has brought many qualities to the fore including a heightened appreciation for our fellow colleagues.
That is why, for one month only, we wish to specially acknowledge the work of three. They represent the essence of our frontline – leading the charge from the beginning to keep us all safe and well connected; simply put – they are a Tenacious Three. A more important than ever thank you from every one of us goes to:
At ‘Front of House’, Barbara has kept visitors in check and staff informed despite ever evolving guidelines. She has doggedly sourced sanitising products when they could not be found anywhere (suspicions of black market dealings strenuously denied 😊). She has kept staff & customers connected, revealing as she did – the patience of Job.
Before we even knew what had hit us, our IT Manager – Ronan had us comfortably ready to work remotely where possible and joined us up in ways that kept the feeling of team togetherness even when we were apart. Sympathetically, he virtually held our hands as we got to grips with innovative technology and our new normal.
And, Joe. Our Health & Safety Officer who rolled out the measures required to keep us safe, working with all staff to understand and implement solutions as we moved through the unknown. Often facing the brunt of the frustration and fear that we all experienced, he dealt with situations professionally – with resilience and empathy.
We’re not out of the woods yet but it was time to give a shout out to those who, thus far, have tirelessly made our journey calmer and connected, despite the circumstances.